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Homer's Point of View

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Homer Whitlow is a purely fictional character created by David Johnson. Homer's Point of View is an ongoing scenario. It is not just a story about a cast of characters led by widow Isabel Whitlow and Micah Davenport. Homer's Point of View is a snapshot of the human condition as observed during the 1980s by a dog in a very rural setting in an old fashioned country town.

Unencumbered by the advent of the cellphone, PDAs, and the Internet, Homer's world operates in the kinder, gentler environment of a less complicated America. For the most part, politics and religion are not popular subjects, but spirituality, based on factors of human nature, weather, and wholly natural events, will find it's way to the surface, often.

Dogs, like children, tend to reflect the type of home-life and parenting that they receive during their formative years. Homer was raised in a home that supported the philosophy that "if you can't say something nice about somebody, it is better to say nothing at all." That being said, most of our readers realize that Homer is far from perfect. Already a petty food thief, Homer is slowly becoming a curmudgeon, and he is known to make rather caustic comments about other dogs, cats, and certain birds that he has been exposed to during his tenure at the Inn.

Life at the Inn is ever-changing. People of all walks of life come and go, and the baggage they bring with them is sometimes left behind, but only rarely so. Like many of us, they will carry their emotional baggage with them until the day they die. Because he is a dog, Homer is hardly able to judge his human counterparts, but he listens well, and tries to accurately reflect the opinions and observations of his trusted human companions at the Inn, Isabel, Louella, and Micah.

Make no mistake, although Homer's Point of View definitely plays to a mature demographic, there is a lot to be learned by the young who might blunder into the stories contained here. Those who like dog stories, those who remember an America that had not lost her innocence, and those who relish 'the good old days' might just find Homer to be an interesting read.

New Recipes are Coming Online! Great Coffee is a Click Away!

...And don't miss:

Homer 's Multi-Part Novella!

For those of you who have admired Dave & Homer's style of writing, there's news! Dave has begun a multipart novella which details more than just the front-porch-musings of our beloved Homer from the Faded Glory Inn.

Fact is; a lot happens around the Faded Glory and some of it; well, it just won't fit in a single passage. Read the new storyline

Excerpts From Homer's Point of View

"...At 78 and stronger than a small elephant, Louella is quite petite, somewhat nearsighted, and just maybe a bit clumsy; so, when she crimps and rims the dough off the edges of her pies or cuts out her biscuits or cookies, she creates a veritable "doughstorm" for any critter lucky enough to be lurking on the floor of her kitchen...." from Louella's Lighter Than Air Biscuits

"...Rain or shine, I traditionally rode in the bed of Ray's pickup, always having to dodge the jack and spare tire which would slide back and forth when Ray would accelerate, take a curve, or just put on the brakes." from Men And Pickup Trucks

"...So many times I have heard it said that somewhere in every house is a stash of unmatched socks that has somehow gotten lost in the dryer. Wrong! In most cases, we know exactly where each of those missing socks has gone. " from Our Noses Know!

"...These days, Spook regularly holds court at the Inn, and he rarely misses an opportunity to upstage me in my bid for our guests' attention and gracious handouts. Still, he is more of a pest than an enemy. I guess I can be grateful for one thing; at least he's not a dog or a cat." from Spook and the Mynah Miracle

"...I realize that babies really need their nourishment, I try never to snatch food from children under a year old. Even we dogs have a moral compass." from Like Taking Candy From a Baby

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