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That evening we all drove back to Faded Glory to spend the night, and after our arrival Micah and Hank spent a full hour loading cartons from the Stoddard Farm into the basement storage area of the Inn. During the previous morning, Micah had been able to find the keys to the barn still hanging in Ethel Stoddard's pantry, and it appeared that tomorrow's expedition into the Stoddard barn would go without a hitch. Because I had gotten lots of exercise and fresh air, I was very tired and settled down in Ray's old recliner at about 9 pm. I guess I must be growing old because I don't even remember falling asleep.
Dawn arrived early as I awakened to the sounds of Louella rummaging around in the kitchen creating her famous biscuits.

Isabel had intended to get on the road early, but it soon became apparent that Micah and Hank were aggressively leading the charge. It took Louella 35 minutes to make breakfast, and it took them five minutes to wolf it down.

Micah busied himself adjusting and sharpening a small chainsaw prior to tossing it into the back of Hank's truck. Since I wasn't about to miss this trip, I leapt up into the seat of Hank's dilapidated truck to insure my inclusion in the upcoming journey. We were on the road to Hiawassee by 7 am, and, because I was riding in Hank's truck, I was allowed to hang my head out of the passenger-side window to catch the breeze, an unheard-of event in Isabel's car!

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